4.0 | TURBO

Turbo Yulia

(Rus. Турбо Юлия; Est. 2010 (14), Saint Petersburg) is a Russian brand founded by fashion designer, Andrey Bartenev’s companion and finalist of the “New Names in Design” competition Yulia Vorobieva (Makarova) and inspired by futurism and artificial digital reality [1]. 4.0 *

Name: Turbo Yulia
Other: Turbo_Yulia
Est.: 2010
Age: 14
City: Saint Petersburg
Founder: Yulia Makarova
Facebook: 1948
Instagram: 3488
Twitter: 0
Youtube: 0



Turbo_Yulia 2020 campaign

Turbo_Yulia / Facebook

See also


[1] Рейв 1990-х в новой коллекции Turbo Yulia (Sobaka.ru)

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TURBO 4.0 is an Indexmod of the “Turbo Yulia (Turbo_Yulia)” at 26 April 2024. What is Indexmod? This is merged rates from social media tied in with birth year and article volume. Details


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