0.3 | POPS


(Rus. Попс, агентство поп-культуры; Est. 2017 (7), Moscow) is a Russian communication agency, described itself as "innovative marketing communications, technologies and new media agency", founded by Roman Selivan in 2017 [1]. 0.3 *

Name: Pops Pop culture agency
Other: Агентство «Попc»
Est.: 2017
Age: 7
City: Moscow
Founder: Roman Selivan
Facebook: 293
Instagram: 0
Twitter: 0
Youtube: 340


(Additional images correspondent to the article)

Roman Selivan founder of Pops

Photo: Pops / Pops

See also


[1] Как человеку стать брендом (Sostav.ru)

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POPS 0.3 is an Indexmod of the “Pops Pop culture agency (Агентство «Попc»)” at 26 April 2024. What is Indexmod? This is merged rates from social media tied in with birth year and article volume. Details


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