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Polsky, Anton (Make)

(Rus. / Eng. Антон Польский (Мэйк); Born 1982 (42), Moscow) is a Russian interventionist, artist, activist and designer, graduate of Russia’s State Humanitarian University, Department of History of Art [1]. 0.0 *

Name: Given name Family name
Other: Other name
Born: 1982
Age: 42
City: Moscow
Founder: Partizaning
Facebook: 0
Instagram: 0
Twitter: 0
Youtube: 0


Anton Polsky (Rus. Антон Польский) born 1982, Moscow—a Russian interventionist, artist, activist and designer, graduate of Russia’s State Humanitarian University, Department of History of Art.1 [1].

(Additional images correspondent to the article)

Anton Polsky in 2011 Anton Polsky in 2011 Photo: Alexander Utkin / Moskovskie Novosti

(Additional images correspondent to the article)

Anton Polsky (Make) in Saint Petersburg Photo: Nastya Raduzhnaya / Lifehacker Photo: Name / Source

On way to activism

In the late 90s, fascinated by graffiti, Anton created the first Russian magazine about street art. In recent years he worked as a designer in the online newspaper The Village. In 2010, he wrote a manifesto “Moscow 2020” on specific reforms in the capital. Then he participated in the organization of the festival community “Delay Sam”.2 Finally Moscow has acquired a printing cycling map Use / Less.3 In 2011, together with his wife Sonja and friend Igor Anton Ponosov created a website partizaning.org, dedicated underground rescheduling of the urban environment. According to the Polish, “Partizaning”—a new movement, which lies at the intersection of art and social space.


See also


[1] About Partizaning Lab (Moskovskie Novosti) [2, 4] “The new intelligentsia” (Moskovskie Novosti) [3] “Moscow Artist Sparks Local DIY Bike Map Movement” (Treehugger)

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MAKE 0.0 is an Indexmod of the “Given name Family name (Other name)” at 26 April 2024. What is Indexmod? This is merged rates from social media tied in with birth year and article volume. Details


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