8.1 | NOB


(Rus. Агентство «Ноб»; Est. 2017 (7), Moscow) is a Russian fashion agency, buyers showroom based in Moscow [1]. 8.1 *

Name: Nob
Other: Nob Agency
Est.: 2017
Age: 7
City: Moscow
Founder: Gosha Rostovshchikov
Facebook: 250
Instagram: 8933
Twitter: 0
Youtube: 0



Nob is providing brand development consulting and communication, also held and/or part of Europe International Buyers Hub, Resource Center Fashion Hub, Nob Talents Contest, Milo Group.

See also


[1] Георгий Ростовщиков: «У российских дизайнеров корона растет быстрее, чем шьется платье» (Sobaka.ru)

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NOB 8.1 is an Indexmod of the “Nob (Nob Agency)” at 26 April 2024. What is Indexmod? This is merged rates from social media tied in with birth year and article volume. Details


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