2.6 | ФОСФОР


(Lat. Phosphorus; Founded 2009 (15), Moscow) is Russian media artists group [1]. 2.6 *

Name: 4s4r
Other: Фосфор
Founded: 2009
Age: 15
City: Moscow
Founder: Alex Platonov, Mikhail Sachkov
Facebook: 555


The main point of the group strategy was a conception of “not cooperate with alcohol, tobacco brands and the state structures [1]. Beginning in 2010, after joining of Alexei Orlov the group holds several events known as the “Bring Your Own Beamer” to make up for the lack of communication in a professional environment of Moscow in the first years of existence. The group collapsed at the end of 2016.


Year Periods
2009 Founding
2010 Orlov joining
2016 Group collapse

See also


[1] Звук — это агент графики: как устроен рабочий процесс команды 4s4r (Theory And Practice, Maria Kramar)

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ФОСФОР 2.6 is an Indexmod of the “4s4r (Фосфор)” at 26 April 2024. What is Indexmod? This is merged rates from social media tied in with birth year and article volume. Details


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